Businesses depend on Square partners.

If you have an integration, create custom builds using Square APIs, or serve clients who can benefit from Square, you can become a partner.

Find your place in our partner ecosystem.

App partner

Get your app featured in our App Marketplace.

graph-trend Grow your business.
building-restaurant Build for millions of sellers.
award-plaque Earn profit share and other incentives.

Solutions partner

Build custom solutions using Square products and APIs.

sq-hardware-stand-front-items Implement Square products.
box-graph-group-3 Build custom solutions.
award-plaque Earn profit share and other incentives.

Referral partner

Refer your clients to unlock a new revenue stream.

hand-heart icon Expand your customer offerings.
stand-ui icon Connect clients with Square solutions.
award-plaque Earn profit share and other incentives.

Meet your new customers.

Offer your unique solutions to the growing number of Square sellers looking for innovative ways to run their businesses.

Your app can help our sellers succeed.

Empire Coffee

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Small World Seafood

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Create apps for today’s business needs.

Use Square APIs to build new commerce experiences.

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